
Bilateral Chambers Position on the proposed Foreign Agents Registration Act


We, the bilateral business chambers in Bulgaria, are against the so-called Foreign Agents Registration Act, that was recently presented for voting at the National Assembly.

We are against the principles of such draft laws, including those introduced in the past and any potential new legislation that could introduce repressive, anti-democratic, anti-human rights measures. Such draft laws could restrict established, transparent, and legitimate financial sources for business, organizations, and interpersonal relationships. With this, we contribute to improving the investment climate and the business environment in Bulgaria, strengthening the democratic foundations of society, supporting the education system, and connecting it to modern academic and global standards.

Business-associations like ours are relevant parts of the civil society and have been partnering with various national and international stakeholders in the fields of rule of law, investment promotion, education, healthcare, energy and climate change, to just name a few based on open and transparent dialogue.

We promote entrepreneurial culture, access to reliable information and help positioning Bulgaria positively on the international stage through transparent dialogue concerning membership in relevant international organizations like OECD, NATO, EU as well as the planned complete Schengen and Eurozone-accessions.

Our business associations represent 2,000 member companies – local and international, large corporations and SMEs that are strongly contributing to the sustainable growth of the national GDP. Logically, their taxes directly or indirectly contribute to the implementation of the social role of any government (regular one or caretaker). Moreover, for years now the private capital has supported public driven or has developed its own social, cultural, educational, and sports programs of various scales. This support often comes in addition to governmental or municipal ones, or even when they are totally missing for Bulgaria to play a role in the fields of science,  and many other. For example companies heavily invest in the regions where they are, in order to sustain citizens in the regions where they operate, creating proper vocational education programs- this would not be possible with such act.

Such a draft law or any similar approaches that might follow damage the international reputation of Bulgaria, not only for businesses, who are providing for jobs in Bulgaria, it can also lead to the withdrawal of healthy and needed capital.