Dear members,
In the role of VIP partner of German-Bulgarian Industrial and Commercial Chamber, UniCredit Bulbank invites you to information week in which we will talk about business, partnerships, macroeconomics, ESG activities and design thinking. We are looking forward to meeting you at UNICREDIT BULBANK WEEK: PARTNERSHIP THAT MATTERS
12 April, Monday, 16.00 – 17.30, Discussion: Business in the Post-Pandemic World
Participants: Representatives of leading companies Host: Teodora Petkova, CEO, UniCredit BulbankLanguage: EnglishYou can register now.
13 April, Tuesday, 16.00 – 17.30, Interview: Macroeconomic Outlook of UniCredit Bulbank
Participants: Kristofor Pavlov, Chief economist of UniCredit Bulbank and Krasimira Georgieva, editor-in-chief of BGlobal Magazine
Expect an invitation or register now.
Language: Bulgarian
You can register now.
14 April, Wednesday, Economic Outlook: The connection between German and Bulgarian Business
The outlook was prepared by Economic Research Unit of UniCredit Bulbank, specially for the members of the Chamber. You can find it in all social media of the Chamber.
Language: Bulgarian and English
15 April, Thursday, Topic: ESG business or business as usual
Information about the UniCredit approach to creation of ESG sustainability. You can find it in all social media of the German Chamber.
Language: Bulgarian and English
16 April, Friday, 10.00 – 11.30, Webinar: Design Thinking about successful businesses
Übersicht der Aktivitäten
Teodora Petkova: The banking system is a leader in the digital transformation in our country
„Covid-19 was a catalyst for the digitalization, especially In the banking sector. The sector is one of those that introduced the digitalization very quickly and UniCredit Bulbank is among the leaders in this transformation”, commented Teodora Petkova, CEO of UniCredit Bulbank, as a host of a jointly event of UniCredit Bulbank and the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, dedicated to business in the post-pandemic world.
In one week as a partner of the Chamber the bank will present to the members of the Chamber different highlights related to macroeconomic review, business, sustainable development etc.
During the discussion, which was attended by Tim Kurt, President of GBCIC, Lyubomir Minchev, founder and CEO of Telelink Holdings B.V. Group, Martin Nyland, General Manager of BHTC Bulgaria, and Boryana Manolova, CEO of Siemens Bulgaria, the participants united around the thesis that the most valuable asset for any company is its team.
“In the basis of our success are the colleagues we work with. They are the ones, who are closest to the clients, develop the technologies, manage the risks, determine the investments and drive the innovations. I am sure you will agree that human capital is our greatest strength. But I am sure that you will also agree that retaining and attracting new talents is one of the most important challenges we have today”, commented Teodora Petkova.
Raluka Popesku, Head of Corporate, Investment and Private banking and Member of the Management board of UniCredit Bulbank, and Emiliano Steinfl, head of International center of UniCredit Bulbank, also took part in the discussion “Business in the Post-Pandemic World”.
“We are doing our best to provide valuable support, as we are well aware that for the successful business leaders, the most important resource is the relevant and on-time information as well as to have the opportunity to rely on good and solid partnerships”, commented Raluca Popescu.
“The customers come first for us. In order to offer them the best services and products in UniCredit Bulbank, we believe that a good and prepared team and a well-developed infrastructure are the key to success”, added Emiliano Steinfl.
A program for the upcoming events and a possibility to register for “UniCredit Bulbank week: Partnership that matters” you can find on social media platforms of UniCredit Bulbank and German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Macroeconomic Outlook of UniCredit Bulbank
ESG Business or Business as Usual
Design Thinking about successful businesses
"VIP-Partner-Woche" mit UniCredit Bulbank - eine Zusammenfassung
"VIP-Partner-Woche" mit UniCredit Bulbank
In der Zeit vom 12. bis 16. April 2021, im Rahmen der Initiative "VIP-Partner-Woche" der Deutsch-Bulgarischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DBIHK), wurde mit dem DBIHK-VIP-Partner, der UniCredit Bulbank eine Reihe von Initiativen durchgeführt. In den drei Live-Online-Events wurden folgende Themen diskutiert: das Geschäft in der Welt nach der Pandemie, makroökonomische Prognose der UniCredit Bulbank, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Design Thinking.
Die Diskussion "Business in a Post-Pandemic World" am 12. April 2021 wurde von Frau Theodora Petkova, CEO der UniCredit Bulbank moderiert. Der Präsident der DBIHK, Herr Tim Kurth eröffnete das Treffen und legte seine Sichtweise über die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Krise auf die bulgarische Wirtschaft dar. Er sprach über Leadership als eine große Herausforderung in dieser Zeit, über die Einführung von Innovationen und die Beschleunigung des Digitalisierungsprozesses in den meisten Unternehmen sowie über Change Management in der Krise.
Das Event wurde von mehr als 90 DBIHK-Mitgliedern und Wirtschaftsvertretern besucht.
„Covid-19 war ein Katalysator für die Digitalisierung, insbesondere im Bankensektor. Das Bankensystem gehört zu denen, die die Digitalisierung sehr schnell eingeführt haben, und die UniCredit Bulbank gehört zu den Vorreitern bei dieser Transformation", kommentierte Theodora Petkova als Gastgeberin der Partnerveranstaltung.
Am 13. April 2021 fand ein weiteres Online-Interview statt, an dem Kristofor Pavlov, Chefvolkswirt der UniCredit Bulbank und Krasimira Georgieva, Chefredakteurin von BGlobal, teilnahmen.
Herr Pavlov erstellte und lieferte makroökonomische Analysen. Der vollständige Inhalt kann durch Anklicken des folgenden Links eingesehen werden.
Am Donnerstag der VIP-Partner-Woche wurden Informationen über den Ansatz der UniCredit Bulbank zur Schaffung eines nachhaltigen Geschäfts (ESG) durch Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Faktoren gegeben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem folgenden Link.
Der Abschluss der VIP-Partner-Woche bot das Seminar über "Design Thinking für erfolgreiche Unternehmen" nochmals interessante Einblicke in die neuen Themen der Wirtschaft. Details zum Thema finden Sie hier.
Mit insgesamt über 180 TeilnehmerInnen konnte die DBIHK und die UniCredit Bulbank eine erfolgreiche Partnerschaftswoche beenden.