Cooperative transition of Polish and Bulgarian coal regions
Project funding
European Climate Initiative (EUKI) is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) to strengthen cooperation in the EU in the further development and implementation of its ambitious climate policy. Through EUKI, climate actors can learn from each other; the initiative supports inner-European dialogue, the exchange of good practice, awareness raising, and knowledge transfer.
Project description
The objective of the project aims at winning the support of key stakeholders in Polish and Bulgarian coal regions for transition to net zero economy by engaging them in creating region-specific job creation strategies, based on establishing developmental cooperatives co-managed by local stakeholders.
This will be done by engaging the stakeholders in crafting a concrete policy proposal addressing the threat of structural unemployment and collapse of regional demand. The project partners will engage in advocating the developed policy proposals.
A concrete policy proposal addressing the threat of structural unemployment and collapse of regional demand is crucial for achieving this rational objective.
Building on an existing coalition of trade unions, climate organisations and experts behind the idea of developmental cooperatives Europe, a Patient Association plans to widen it to include more partners representing other unions, local governments and experts in coal regions
The activities of this project will engage key stakeholders in the process of writing cooperative job-creation strategies for developing strong coalitions, it will advocate strategies on the regional, national and the EU level for the cooperative transition of Bulgarian and Polish coal regions and it will mainstream the strategies among key target groups using media channels they trust to force a cooperative transition.
Target groups of the project
The project is going to provide support for a number of stakeholders, especially for municipalities and coal sector trade unions.
Also for management (CEO’s, managers, supervisors) of above mentioned coalmines and power plants utilities. Engagement in a ciliate-friendly job creation plan will allow them to present themselves as leaders of transition from their former business (coal) into new, greener sectors.
In addition, to local authorities. Implementation of job-creating plans will help them to win the support of local voters worrying about job loses, while creation of new, revenue and tax generating which will help to keep the level of economic activity on the level region needs to avoid economic collapse and depopulation. And many more.
Target of the project
The engagement of stakeholders helps to gather region-specific tacit knowledge on the need of the transition of coal regions, the need of creating sustainable jobs for the future and of the regions that are affected by the climate crisis and European climate policies. Networks of renowned project experts guarantee high-quality of the final region-specific strategic document and to form a cooperative network for just transition. External experts and stakeholders of the regions as trade unions, representatives of coal utilities and regional municipalities will work together through and beyond the project. Within the workshops and study visit they will learn about the transition process and develop steps for the future transition within the strategy paper.
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